Small Businesses and Disabled Veterans

San José State University fully supports the Small Business (SB) and Disable Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE) participation programs and is committed to assisting California certified small businesses and DVBEs in the expansion, growth, and development of the SB and DBVE communities:

The goals apply to the total contract dollars expended each year by the university. This includes all contracts, purchase orders, and procurement card orders. For more information, see DGS Contracting Commitment with Small Businesses, DVBEs.

The Small Business (SB) and Small Business for the Purpose of Public Works (SB-PW) certification program was established by the state of California to increase business opportunities for the small business community. Small businesses are critical to our economy as part of a strategic ecosystem that provides growth, sustainability and success for 菠菜网lol正规平台 and the Bay Area as a whole. 

The DVBE Participation Program was established to acknowledge disabled veterans for their service and to further DVBE participation in state contracting, promote competition and encourage greater economic opportunity. 

For more information, visit the Small and DVBE Business Directory - Cal eProcure site.


菠菜网lol正规平台 encourages all contractors and suppliers to consider applying for Small Business and or DVBE Certification.

Small Businesses and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise firms are certified by the Department of General Services, Office of Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Services (OSDS). For information on applying for SB/DVBE certification and eligibility requirements, please visit The Department of General Services OSDS website.

Contact: 916-375-4940 or

SB/DVBE Option

California state agencies and departments per Government Code 14838.5 and 14838.7 may use a streamlined process known as the SB/DVBE Option [pdf] by contracting directly with a California certified Small Business (SB) or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) for goods, services, and information technology valued between $5,000.01 and $249,999.99 (or up to $333,000 for public works contracts) after obtaining price quotes from at least two such businesses.

DVBE Incentive

The DVBE Incentive is required as part of the standard DVBE solicitation language unless waived. Bidders may receive an incentive for exceeding the 3% participation requirement. Campuses have the ability to determine the level of DVBE incentive they will offer for corresponding levels of participation, i.e., the more DVBE participation they propose, the higher the incentive. This information must be included in the solicitation. The minimum incentive level a qualifying bidder can receive is 1%. The combination of all preferences (i.e., TACPA, SB, Recycled Products) with a DVBE incentive cannot exceed 10% or $100,000, whichever is less. A non-small business cannot displace a California certified small business from the top-ranked position because of application of the above preferences or DVBE incentive.

The DVBE incentive is a method that provides an advantage to certain bidders. The incentive is applied during the evaluation process for bids proposing participation of California certified DVBEs. The application of an incentive varies from that of a preference both when it is incorporated into competitive solicitations and how incentive percentages are determined and calculated. Unlike preferences in which the inclusion is standardized in competitive solicitations and a standard percentage is stipulated, discretion is left to campuses to determine incentive percentages for a particular transaction based upon a business strategy to achieve their overall annual goal.

Contact Information

菠菜网lol正规平台’s SB/DVBE Advocate 
Kare McCall
Strategic Sourcing - Contracts & Procurement Services

Office of Small Business & DVBE Services (OSDS) 
If you have any questions about the certification process, contact ODSD at 916-375-4940 or
DGS Business Outreach Program

菠菜网lol正规平台 Veterans Resource Center

The 菠菜网lol正规平台 Veterans Resource Center[BROKEN LINK] is designed as a one-stop resource that plays a primary role in serving the university's growing community of veterans and military students.

Additional Resources